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The clean slate we all need starts NOW!

In many ways, the new year is the fresh start we all need to regroup, refocus and reset our mindsets. While 2020 held us back in many ways, but we’re determined to power on to get our derailed dreams back on track this year. We may not entirely be out of the woods just yet, but we’re committed to helping you stay positive and make the most of 2021! 


Breaking the barriers that hold you back from reaching your goals!

Whether you have short-term ambitions, like landing a dream job or travelling more; or long-term plans, like purchasing a car or a house LAW FOR ALL is there to help you fulfil your dreams. Life hasn’t been easy the past year and many people have gone through life-changing events that have left them unsure how to navigate back to a place of hope and possibility. While there’s always a chance of life throwing an unexpected curveball in your direction, we’ll be ready to take it on with you. This month, our focus is giving you the tips and tools to put your goals back in action, so you’ll be inspired and empowered to take the new year head-on.



Land your dream job! Tips to nail a job interview.

How you conduct and present yourself during a job interview is crucial in reassuring the hiring manager that you are the right person for the position. Your CV has done all the work until this point, and now it is simply about backing all of that up and setting yourself apart from the other candidates. We've put together tips to help you prepare for the interview and help you deal with challenging questions a prospective employer throws at you.

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Secure a pay bump. Know how to successfully negotiate a salary Increase.

Hard work and persistence always pays off, right? And sometimes, that means quite literally. As a star employee, you've proven yourself and become an indispensable part of the team. It could be time for your payslip to reflect your worth. Here’s what you need to know to secure a pay-raise meeting with your employer.

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Swipe the right way. Advice to use your credit card responsibly

Even with a solid job and respectable salary, life can take a turn for the worse and leave you in a bit of a financial pickle. Well, not only is a credit card a financial tool to have in place in case of those emergencies, but it can also allow you the opportunity to make both short- and long-term dreams a reality. Whether it’s purchasing a trip well in advance or using it to build a positive credit score, this nifty piece of plastic can benefit you immensely. The trick, of course, is to use it responsibly and effectively. LAW FOR ALL unpacks the dos and don’ts of using a credit card.

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Why Having Legal Cover is Essential in 2021

While you may be eager to reach your goals this year, there's, unfortunately, no guarantee that 2021 will be without challenges and pitfalls. So, part of planning for success should include legal protection from LAW FOR ALL. Our caring legal team are there to stand up for you and your goals. Our comprehensive legal insurance policies ensure that you have access to expert legal advice and assistance when you need it the most.

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Insightful legal advice and tips to help you excel in all aspects of life.

As you take on the new year with a renewed sense of optimism and drive, LAW FOR ALL wants you to know that we can help you every step of the way. In addition to the tips and advice, our award-winning legal services will make you feel protected and confident, should you have an encounter with the law. Now, put those goals into action!


We’ve Got Your Back!

This is a statement we firmly stand by every day of the year. Our unique approach to making the law affordable and accessible is all about empowering South Africans from all walks of life. While we are constantly looking for ways to innovate our services to keep up with the ever-changing times, one thing will never change: we will go above and beyond for you!

Caring Legal Advice and Services

Having access to legal experts who can help you stay clued-up on your rights and explain the law clearly and concisely will give you some much-needed peace of mind. Hit a legal roadblock? Get in touch with us; we’re ready to assist remove obstacles. 

We’ll help you talk it out

Need a legal expert in your corner to help with negotiation and mediation? We tackle disputes in a calm and caring way, so you can rely on us to keep your reputation intact while working towards a fair outcome .

Don’t get court out!

In the improbable event that a legal matter is referred to the court, you can still turn to LAW FOR ALL.  If a specific case is covered by your policy, we’ll pay an attorney to represent you – so that you won’t have to. 

Can’t find the COVID-19 legal advice you’re looking for?

Are you a Policyholder?

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Send us your details and one of our consultants will be in touch