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Don’t get caught in a legal lockdown.

LAW FOR ALL is putting the “power” in “empower” with expert COVID-19 legal advice and guidance to help you through the lockdown and to protect your future!

For many of us, it’s already become clear that our lives will never be the same again, from the way we live, work, socialise and go about our everyday routine. A change is happening – that’s undeniable. But as you sit at home with no other choice but run these thoughts through your mind on repeat, life may start to feel overwhelming and uncertain.

If there was ever a time to have Africa’s best legal team on your side, it would be right now! With the right legal support, we’ll power through these challenging times together.

Knowledge is power!

Knowledge is power, and in turbulent times like these, it is more important than ever to know your legal rights. We’ve put together handy info, COVID-19 legal advice and guidance relating to all matters that affect your everyday life.

Soften the financial impact: savvy tips to stay in control of your personal finances.

Many of us are already feeling the financial pinch of the lockdown and concerned about our finances. With companies temporarily closed, income streams aren’t necessarily guaranteed. Talk of "junk status and salary cuts are adding more stress to millions of South Africans who live paycheque to paycheque.

Of course, no one wants to face financial ruin, increased debt or legal action, so it’s best to be proactive when it comes to your financial responsibilities. So, in these uncertain times, LAW FOR ALL wants to step in and ease your mind with tips to help you stay in “control” and manage your finances.

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A sigh of financial relief: claiming COVID-19 UIF & TERS benefits.

Companies and employees across South Africa are trying their best to grapple with the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak. Understandably, the uncertainty of these unprecedented times has people and businesses going into full survival mode.

While some companies are in a fortunate position to continue paying salaries, many employees are facing temporary layoffs or salary cuts. There’s no denying that we all need to support each other as much as possible during this time! Luckily measures have been implemented to provide relief to employers and employees and claiming is easy.

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Where there's a will, there's a way forward!

The coronavirus pandemic has placed life into perspective! By no means is the subject of illness easy to broach, and talking about and planning for death is intimidating and unsettling. But, even if it's an uncomfortable topic, you should prioritise creating a Will for your loved ones’ sake.

The importance of an updated expertly drafted Will cannot be stressed enough. It’s all about protecting your loved ones and helping them move on a little more easily once you pass away. To help you with these sensitive issues, you need a caring legal professional in your corner, and that’s where LAW FOR ALL comes in. We're ready to draft your Will today!

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Stay afloat: don't let debt payments drag you under!

South Africans are a hard-working and dedicated bunch, but even with all the effort, many citizens are doing their best to stay afloat. If your monthly income is already not enough, and you are drowning in debt payments, you are not alone.

The economic downturn will make it challenging to manage a difficult financial situation, but the law is on your side and can help you to take back control and get rid of the emotional strain of owing money. There are a variety of debt management solutions (each with its pros and cons) you can consider.

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Know the law and legal process when facing eviction.

According to The Professional Network Ltd. (TPNL), approximately 32% of tenants haven't paid their April rent and even more, will fall in arrears in May. While landlords aren't allowed to evict tenants at the moment, many are frustrated and will take legal action when the lockdown ends. And while the law is on the side of landlords to claim arrears and cancel lease agreements, it also protects tenants from illegal removals. The key, of course, is knowing your rights when facing an eviction.

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Understand the retrenchment process & your rights as an employee.

No one can predict the future and many aspects of our lives are at the mercy of various factors that are out of our control. Our jobs and, therefore, our livelihoods can also take a substantial knock when businesses have to deal with restructuring or even closure as a result of an economic crisis. Many companies may have to consider retrenchments, which can have severe emotional and financial consequences for employees. Thankfully, there is certainty in the law, which protects the rights of those who are being retrenched.

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Sharing advice to stay healthy & legally informed!

For more COVID-19 legal advice or information about the outbreak in South Africa, click below. We remind all citizens to follow guidelines from public health authorities and the Government. Please stay at home! If you’re sick, stay away from others. Wash or sanitise your hands frequently, and cover your cough or sneeze.

We’ve Got Your Back!

As a caring legal services provider, we mean it when we say we are in your corner. And as the world around you changes, you can rely on LAW FOR ALL to be a constant source of COVID-19 legal advice, guidance and legal protection. We remain fully operational during the national lockdown, so your friend in the law is always there for you.

Get caring legal advice in the time of COVID-19.

Immediate access to justice is crucial in these uncertain times. Our legal professionals are working remotely and ready to give caring and clear COVID-19 legal advice on personal matters. From protecting your family to navigating difficult situations at work or paying debt, we’re here to guide you through.

Let us negotiate on your behalf.

Adjusting the to the “new  normal” could mean encountering some legal obstacles or disputes along the way. For your added peace of mind, we’re all about resolving matters in a calm and caring way, out of court through expert negotiation and mediation. Let us stand up for you and take care of your legal troubles.

Don’t get court out!

It’s still early days, and the consequences of the COVID-19 lockdown will be with us for a while. Should your legal case have to go to court, you can still turn to LAW FOR ALL! If the specific matter is covered by your policy, we’ll pay an attorney to represent you – so that you won’t have to.

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